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A project aimed at supporting of the transformative potential of permaculture started in the Košice Region with a three-day training for secondary school pupils and teachers at Brdarka. Secondary schools are among the target groups of the #upscale project (Urban Permaculture Solutions for Cooperation Across Lands and Entities), which seeks to increase sustainability in urban areas of the Košice Region and the Terézváros district of Budapest. The project aims to address urban challenges, improve the quality of life of residents and contribute to climate change mitigation. 

Project is financed by

Interreg VI-A Hungary-Slovakia Programme

(project part implemented by Slovak project partner is cofinanced by amount 260 177,90 EUR)  

The project focuses on three key objectives: 

  1. Increasing biodiversity and the partial return of nature-friendly solutions to urban areas.
  2. Piloting urban permaculture solutions.
  3. Connecting relevant stakeholders.
  4. Promoting the integration of permaculture among adaptation measures to the impacts of climate change.

Both regions face similar urban challenges such as lack of green spaces, declining biodiversity and the urban heat island effect. In Budapest, there is only 0.4 m² of green space per capita, which is only a fifth of the WHO recommendations. The Košice region is also characterised by a high population density, with insufficient green areas, especially in urban zones. 

Green infrastructure is a tool for sustainable urban regeneration. Permaculture solutions can increase the amount of green space even when space is scarce. Initiating permaculture projects on impermeable surfaces can increase biodiversity, promote climate resilience and improve air quality. Sustainable food growing in community gardens contributes to food sovereignty and promoting harmony with nature. 

Within the Košice region, the project will plan and implement permaculture gardens in four secondary schools in a participatory way. These will serve as pilot projects to stimulate future investment and cooperation. In addition, the project will develop materials, trainings and meetings to disseminate information on permaculture solutions in urban areas. The project also includes events and trainings to exchange experiences and knowledge in the framework of cross-border cooperation. A comprehensive handbook will be compiled to inspire future initiatives and partnerships and promote urban sustainability and resilience. 


Programme: Interreg Maďarsko – Slovensko


Project Partners: Budapest Főváros VI. Kerület Terézváros Önkormányzata; Agency for the Support of Regional Development Košice, n.o.

Co-financed by the European Union