The Smartmuseum project is an international project where, in cooperation with Hungary and Ukraine, we want to achieve the promotion of historic destinations. In our case, there are three museums in the Košice region.
Within this project, digital interactive elements will be added in:
1. Zemplín Museum in Michalovce
2. Museum and Cultural Center of South Zemplín in Trebišov
3. Dardanely Summer Palace in Markušovce
Specific objectives:
- To prevent destruction of the historic heritage object, i.e. the national historic landmark of the XIV – XVII century – Palanok Castle in Mukachevo (UA)
- To increase tourist attractiveness of the target historical/ cultural sites in SK, UA & HU
- To promote the target historical sites through effective marketing tools & CBC
Project partners:
- NGO “Small Business and Innovation Development Association “Uzhgorod–XXIst Century””, Ukraine (Lead Partner)
- Mukachevo Historical Museum, Ukraine
- Košice Self-governing Region, Slovakia
- Agency for the Support of Regional Development Kosice, Slovakia
- Herman Otto Museum, Hungary
- Castle Stewardship of Füzér, Hungary
Project duration:
09/2019 – 08/2021
Activity Group 1: Smart solutions for museums
UA: Animated movies “The stories of Palanok Castle”; HU: Standard & 3D digital exhibits, Miskolc; Smart applications, castle maquette, graphics & researches at Fuzer castle
Activity Group 2: Smart Exhibitions
UA: “History of the Mukachevo Castle”; SK: “Mariássy not-silent music museum Markusovce”; “Medieval architecture history of Zemplín County, Trebisov”; “Stories of persons bounded to the mansion”, Michalovce; HU: “Pannon sea museum” Miskolc
Activity Group 3: Marketing and CBC promotion
Trainings for museum experts; Online CBC platform of cultural heritage; Mutual presentation of partner museums; Promo videos to promote target museums; Mass media promo tours
Activity Group 4: Restoration works in Palanok Castle