Summary of the project part:
The part carried out by the Slovak project partner includes research within the project, focusing on herbs and traditional herbal medicines, while Slovak and Hungarian experts will evaluate best practices of green infrastructure and suitable native plants for urban environments. The aim of the research is to identify plants from the Carpathian Basin that can thrive in urban environments, including ornamental plants, fruits, vegetables and herbs. The findings will be presented in information materials disseminated online.
The construction of permaculture gardens is planned in the courtyards of four educational institutions in the Košice region, and these gardens will encourage the participation of students and teachers in their maintenance. The planning and implementation will be accompanied by educational activities, workshops and courses on the implementation of urban permaculture.
In addition, networking events and public and stakeholder outreach events will be held, and the results and lessons learned from the project will be disseminated online and offline through various channels. A number of these activities will be implemented, including the evaluation of the results and the development of guides focusing on permaculture solutions.
The UPSCALE project will have various promotional and marketing activities to raise the visibility of the results and objectives, including online campaigns and promotional materials.
Stavba permakultúrnych záhrad sa plánuje na dvoroch štyroch vzdelávacích inštitúcií v Košickom kraji, pričom tieto záhrady budú podnecovať participáciu študentov a učiteľov na ich údržbe. Plánovanie a realizácia bude sprevádzaná vzdelávacími aktivitami, workshopmi a kurzami o realizácii mestských permakultúr.
Benefits of the cooperation:
Considering the similar biogeographical area, but also the fact that the problems related to the impacts of climate change in Budapest and in the area of the Košice region are similar, the exchange of experience and cooperation between Hungarian and Slovak experts, as well as the cooperation of activists and all those interested in the topic, is beneficial and desirable. Among other things, the project will enable the organisation of joint information and training events, as well as the preparation of joint publications.